

With SSL enabled automatically, our visitors can access a constant, secure connection on every page of the George Analytica site. Through SSL, our visitors see a lock icon next to the URL in the browser, showing that their information is safe.

What is SSL?

Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL, is a technology that secures the connection between your browser and the website you’re visiting. To verify that SSL is protecting a page, look for a URL beginning with https://, instead of http://, and a green, closed padlock icon. This allows visitors to navigate the website and submit information through a secure connection.

SSL benefits

Privacy: Encrypts the connection between the browser and web server and securely transmits information (like login credentials) to prevent unauthorized parties from eavesdropping.

Data integrity: Prevents unauthorized parties from altering data during transmission (like during a Form Block submission).

Authentication: Protects against impersonation by requiring web server proof of identity.

We use 2048-bit SSL encryption on all George Analytica pages, and we are supported with security protocols up to TLS 1.2.